Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes | Ayursesha

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes Diabetes is one of the most common diseases found in the world and India especially. There are multiple treatments available for the same. However, it cannot be cured in most cases. It can only be controlled. This article focuses on the ayurvedic treatment available for diabetes. Diabetes is a result of non-functioning Agni in the body which leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. However, the treatment approach might be different for every person depending on severity and age factor but there are certain things that we can do on our end to control diabetes. The following Ayurvedic habits are quite effective in controlling type two diabetes. Utensils: Replace the vessels in which you drink water with copper vessels. This helps to prevent the fluctuations of sugar levels in the blood. This is also a very good habit to maintain gut health and overall health. Keep the water in the vessel overnight and drink the next day. Dietary Change: An imba...