Ayurvedic Lifestyle To Keep Yourself Healthy And Fit | Ayursesha

Ayurveda has been a part of our lives for generations and a treasure of holistic medicine that our ancestors passed on to us. In this, the balance between mind and body is the main focus. The 5 elements that are responsible for the formation of the entire universe- are Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), Akash (space), Jala (water), and Vayu (air). These five elements compose three doshas- pitta, Kapha, and Vata that are responsible for the energy circulating in your body. 

Each dosha has a specific role to play in our overall well-being. Body temperature, thirst, and hunger in our body are controlled by pitta dosha. Electrolyte balance & movement are controlled by Vata dosha while joint function is balanced by Kapha dosha.

The Ayurvedic lifestyle includes 2 primary things: Ahara and Vihara. Ahara means food habits while vihara means the do's/don'ts we follow in our day-to-day life. Both need to be managed well to stay healthy in the long term.

There are general tips in Ayurveda that can help you to build a healthy lifestyle and that too without stressing much.

Walking More: Walking is a simple exercise that leaves a great impact on your body without putting much stress. By making walking a regular habit, all the 3 doshas get balanced and it also helps to calm down the mind.

Waking Up Early: In Ayurveda, the time we go to bed and the time we get up plays a major role in governing our health. According to ancient methods, the best time to wake up is 45 minutes before the sun peeps out. This duration of time before sunrise is termed 'Brahmi Muhrat' which is excellent for strengthening our immune system. Waking up early gives you ample time to work on yourself and gives a fresh boost to the daily schedule you have in front of you.

Fresh Food: Try to avoid or limit the amount of packaged food consumed. Also, try to have hot and freshly prepared meals. The metabolic fire also called Agni in Ayurveda gets ignited when we consume hot food that is responsible for improving digestion as well as appetite. It also balances the Kapha and Vata doshas in the body.

No Mixing of uncooked/cooked foods: If you mix raw and cooked food together, it will get difficult for the body to digest food. The digestive tract finds it easier to digest cooked food because the enzymes get activated.

Eating three meals: Eating three meals every day and that too at the proper time is extremely important. After eating a meal, there should be at least three hours of the gap as eating before that can cause issues like indigestion. 

No Water after meals: You should not consume water for at least one and a half hours after eating food. This is because the consumption of water after meals tends to affect digestion of strength and the food quality you have consumed. Also, drinking water after meals on a regular basis can make the person overweight as well. Since the water exhibits a cooling effect on food.

Seasonal Fruits & Veggies: Try consuming more seasonal fruits and veggies rather than non-seasonal ones as the seasonal ones help to strengthen immunity and work to provide nutrients and nourishment that your body needs exactly for that season.

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Including these simple tips to adapt to a healthy lifestyle can work wonders. The better and healthier lifestyle we have, the healthier our brain and body will be. Even little things make a large impact. Try to follow these simple yet effective tips in your daily life. You can start by building a single habit and move on to build others. 


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