Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes | Ayursesha

 Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases found in the world and India especially. There are multiple treatments available for the same. However, it cannot be cured in most cases. It can only be controlled. This article focuses on the ayurvedic treatment available for diabetes.

Diabetes is a result of non-functioning Agni in the body which leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. However, the treatment approach might be different for every person depending on severity and age factor but there are certain things that we can do on our end to control diabetes.

The following Ayurvedic habits are quite effective in controlling type two diabetes.

Utensils: Replace the vessels in which you drink water with copper vessels. This helps to prevent the fluctuations of sugar levels in the blood. This is also a very good habit to maintain gut health and overall health. Keep the water in the vessel overnight and drink the next day.

Dietary Change: An imbalance in doshas results in diseases in the body. Imbalanced Vata results in Type one diabetes and imbalanced Kapha causes Type two diabetes. So try to eat meals having low-fat content. Also, try to consume fewer dairy products and replace them with skimmed or soy/almond milk and yogurt with low fat.

The following powerful herbs can be consumed that increase insulin sensitivity and also reduce the levels of sugar in the body.

Bitter Gourd: Bitter Gourd contains hypoglycemic substances and it should be included in diet quite often due to its ability to manage sugar level fluctuations. You can also have its juice in the morning. 

Bitter Melon: Bitter melon is known to have anti-diabetic nature. It comprises polypeptide-p and Charanti that help to lower the sugar levels in the blood.

Bengal Gram: It is known to have glucose intolerance. People with diabetes can consume it to manage it while non-diabetic people can also consume it to lower the risk of diabetes. 

Fenugreek Seeds: These seeds have a component called galactomannan that reduces the digestion rate and also reduces the absorption rate of carbohydrates. 

Amla: Amla possesses the properties of absorbing carbohydrates. It is an extremely rich reservoir of Vitamin-C and has antioxidant properties as well. Amla contains chromium that works to maintain the level of insulin. It also lowers the sorbitol which is toxic sugar. Sorbitol increases complications and causes problems like kidney damage, neuropathy, retinopathy, etc. It also prevents oxidation and helps in the regeneration of cells. There are many forms in which Amla can be consumed. 

Jamun: Jamun works to regulate the levels of insulin and also increases its production. The main ingredients in Jamun are Jambosine and Jamboline. The alkaloids present in Jamun work by converting the starch in it to energy that further reduces diabetes symptoms. You can chew four to five Jamun leaves throughout the day. 

Bay Leaf: Sugar level fluctuations can be managed by consuming a mixture of aloe vera, turmeric, and bay leaf. 

Curry Leaf: Curry Leaf can be used to manage diabetes by consuming it two or three times a day.

Turmeric: Turmeric can also help to manage sugar by reducing fluctuations. Its active ingredient is Curcuma which has anti-allergic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces insulin resistance and improves the functioning of beta cells. Not only this but turmeric is also known for its blood-purifying qualities.

Tulsi: A popular herb that has medicinal qualities and is found in almost every Indian household. It boosts immunity and works to improve the functioning of beta cells and also regulates the secretion of insulin. 

You can make small changes in your lifestyle and include certain herbs etc that help in blood sugar management.

Read More: Debitap Powder for Diabetes                         


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