Facts You Should Know About Calcium Supplements | Ayursesha

Calcium Supplements

A vital mineral nutrient required by the body for multiple functions, calcium plays a very important role in the functioning of our body. Over and under-consumption of calcium both are harmful to the body. Below are some listed facts which will give you an insight into important information regarding calcium and calcium supplements. Also, if you consume calcium supplements, it's very important for you to know the correct information.

Why is Calcium important?

Calcium is required to release hormones, move muscles as well as for circulation of blood too. Bones store 90% of calcium while blood stores the remaining 10%. Calcium is a vital mineral responsible for the health of teeth and bones. Some calcium is lost from the body everyday in the form of feces and urine and through nails, skin and hair. The strength and density of bones is maintained by calcium. Bones act as a reservoir of calcium. Not consuming enough of it will make your body consume it from bones. This is the reason why people having less calcium in their body tend to lose bone mass faster, which may also lead to a condition called osteoporosis. This can cause fragile and weak bones that have the potential to break easily. This also leads to long term harm like osteoarthritis, weak teeth, etc that can take a toll on overall well-being of a person.

Calcium cannot be produced by our body so diet is the only source where we can get our calcium from. High calcium foods include dark green veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, white beans, dairy products like yogurt, cheese, milk, etc. 

One fact that you must be aware about is that Vitamin-D is required in order to absorb calcium. If you run low on Vitamin-D, your body won't be able to reap the benefits of a calcium-rich diet. Foods like mushrooms, egg yolks, salmon, etc are good sources of vitamin-D. The best source of Vitamin-D is sunlight as our body makes this vitamin on its own when exposed to sunlight.

What is the Daily Requirement of calcium?

The recommended amount of calcium is 1,000 mg for adults. This amount is 1,200 mg for women who are above 50 years of age and those who are pregnant or are breastfeeding moms. 

Usually most people get around 50% of their daily intake of calcium from the daily diet they consume. Getting calcium from a diet alone can be tough for some people. This can be even tougher for people who have lactose intolerance or do not like to consume dairy products. However, if your body is getting enough calcium from your daily diet, you don't need to consume supplements. And if your intake is low, try to increase the number of foods that are rich in calcium.

Calcium supplements are available in the form of powders, tablets as well as chewable gummies. It can be consumed in any form with whatever you are comfortable with. Also, the dosage of calcium you need to consume is calculated by subtracting the amount you are getting through diet from the daily recommended intake. This is the actual way to calculate calcium intake.

Does consuming supplements have any side effects?

Certain people who have underlying medical conditions due to which their bodies aren't able to use calcium properly may require more calcium than others. Always confirm from your doctor about the correct dosage of calcium you need to consume and what you actually require.

Please note that getting calcium in the right amount is important. Consuming more than what is required may result in side effects. Extra calcium increases the probability of the formation of kidney stones. However, some people may also experience a condition called hypercalcemia in which calcium forms deposits in the blood.

Try not to consume calcium too much from a single intake as calcium gets best utilized when it is consumed throughout the day. The recommended amount of calcium in one go is 600 mg at most.

Compounds in Calcium Supplements 

Calcium supplements comprise different compounds of calcium like calcium acetate, tricalcium phosphate, calcium lactogluconate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate malate, calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, etc. These compounds have mostly the same or similar bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the quantity of calcium our body is able to utilize. Calcium is absorbed best when it is consumed with food. The reason behind this is acid is produced when we consume food that is essential for food to be broken down. Taking calcium along with food lowers its speed of digestion due to which calcium stays in intestines for longer time hence giving more time for absorption. Calcium gluconate has the lowest amount of calcium/dose whereas calcium carbonate has the highest amount.

There's one exception to this process. Calcium citrate can be consumed with or without food. This is because acid is not required to break down this compound. This compound is an ideal option for people who consume medications for blocking acids.

If you consume calcium, also make sure your intake of vitamin D is proper as it is necessary so that calcium gets absorbed in the body properly. You can sit in the sunlight every day for 15-20 minutes. 

Calcium supplements can cause constipation in some people. It can be prevented by consuming more fiber in your diet. Good sources of fiber include whole grains, fresh veggies, and fruits. Try to be active and also drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. 

Ayur Sesha Calcium Complex Capsule

Ayur Sesha Calcium Complex Capsule is a supplement that contains herbal ingredients. It can be consumed by both men and women. Helping to cure the deficiency of calcium in the body, this capsule also helps to maintain the strength of bones. The key ingredients of this capsule are haldi, ambey, aloevera, banslochan, narkundan, sahijna, etc. It also helps to maintain the health of joints which often get weak due to calcium deficiency. The pain caused due to osteoarthritis also gets reduced by its regular consumption. The weakness and fatigue caused by calcium deficiency also gets reduced.


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