Treatment For Joint Pain: Best Ways To Curb Joint Pain

Care Fit Pain Relief Capsule

Joint Pain is caused due to multiple reasons with a major reason being arthritis, a condition commonly found in older and people of middle age. However, there are certain steps we can take on our part to reduce the pain as well as discomfort. The inflammation and pain in joints can cause swelling and may pose a problem in routine activities as well. 

Treatment for joint pain can be done in the following ways but it's not limited to these:

Losing Weight: Extra weight on the body tends to put pressure on knees, hips, and feet and is a major factor in the amount of pain a person feels. If you are also overweight, aim to reduce weight as shredding weight will reduce the stress on joints and will further minimize pain. This will also prevent joints from damage hence improving mobility.

Exercise: Although people with joint pain might find it difficult to exercise, exercises with low impact are recommended to keep the joint mobile. Running and jogging are high-impact exercises and add to the stress on joints. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be practiced for exercising joints and that too without stressing the joints.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a Chinese treatment being carried on for ages. In this, needles are inserted for putting pressure on specific points. This technique re-distributes the energy and restores the balance and is known to have good results in people with arthritis. Make sure to get this done by a certified Acupuncture professional only.

Cold/Hot Therapy: Joint stiffness can be reduced to a greater extent by indulging in long warm showers/baths. You can also opt for any heating pad in order to keep the joints flexible. In cold therapy, ice packs (gel based) and a towel with ice also work well for relieving the pain. However, before trying any of these therapies, kindly consult an orthopedist to check which of the two is suitable for you according to your condition as trying it on your own can prove to be dangerous.

Turmeric: Widely known for its anti-inflammatory action, turmeric finds its place in a variety of Indian dishes and helps to relieve the pain in joints.

Microcurrent Therapy: Electrical currents of very low levels are used for treating nerve and muscle pain along with inflammation. In this therapy, electrodes are placed strategically on the area where the pain occurs. If you are thinking, this might be dangerous, no it is not as microcurrents are weak in nature due to which there will be no sensation of shock. With repeated sessions, you will see a visible improvement in pain.

Herbal Supplements: There are a variety of herbal supplements that are available for joint pain.

Care Fit Pain Relief Capsule from Ayur Sesha is a supplement that is beneficial for relieving inflammation and stiffness. It contains essential extracts along with oils that work wonders to reduce the pain in joints. Also, another advantage to consider is that it is only composed of natural/ayurvedic ingredients.

Massage: Massaging joints regularly where the pain is can help to ease the pain and stiffness and provide relief to a great extent. For massage, you can seek professional help or learn to massage yourself as well.

Care Fit Relief Oil from AyurSesha is composed of topical oil that works to provide stiffness, inflammation, and pain. The natural ingredients used to formulate this oil have anti-inflammatory action that works to repair the wearing off of muscles & bones.

You can try these remedies but make sure to confirm with a medical professional as there may be certain limitations to what you can try or not. Engaging in certain activities without prior consultation may prove to be dangerous as well. To avoid this, always confirm the potential scope of treatment.


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