5 Way to Boost Immunity During Winters | Health Tips

Boost Immunity During Winters

Ayurveda is a treasure of knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation. Ayurveda has been a lifestyle too for people for ages. Every season has a different requirement for our internal health and external health as well. The same is the case with the winter season. Winters come with their own challenges like infections such as colds, coughs, etc. People having weak immunity suffer the most during this season. But not anymore, here we are sharing some important information regarding immunity-boosting foods.

Here are five ayurvedic remedies that you can give try to boost your immunity during the winter season.

Garlic: Garlic is among the most ancient spices that have always found its place in one recipe or the other in Ayurveda. Garlic possesses anti-aging properties that exhibit a hot effect on the body. It is extremely beneficial to cleanse the gut. It prevents cough, and cold, and is good for eyesight as well. Although garlic is pungent in taste, there are certain varieties of garlic available that are bitter, salty, and sweet.  season, garlic powder can be used to keep kapha dosha in balance. Kapha dosha represents water and earth in Ayurveda. Not only this, but garlic also helps to keep the skin healthy. Many people face issues of dry and flaky skin. Garlic comes to the rescue in such cases. When consuming garlic powder, take one to two tbsp in a single day. However, when consuming garlic oil, you can consume 1 to 2 ml.

Amla: Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry or Amlaki finds its place in a number of Ayurvedic recipes and remedies. People having imbalances in the body can consume amla powder with sesame oil. Try to consume it in the evening as Vata is in the dominant state in the evening. This increases immunity and provides the body with the required dose of Vitamin C as well. Amla also works to cure scars and acne and reduces hair fall in the winter season. In winter, our skin as well as the scalp are prone to get dry often and amla helps to combat that. Amla can be consumed in the form of murabba, amla candies, pickles,s, and many other forms.

Turmeric: Turmeric, a common spice with medicinal properties is used in multiple things. It works wonders to improve overall well-being. It strengthens the body, dispels the worms, improves digestion, and dissolves gallstones. Apart from this, it also works to reduce arthritis, relieve gas, and regulate menstruation. It also protects against infections like acne, cough, and cold. It also prevents skin from getting dry in winter. The curcumin present in Turmeric works to strengthen immunity from within.

Triphala: Triphala, also classified as tridoshic means all three doshas Kapha, Pitta, and Vata get balanced by consuming Triphala. Triphala may taste salty, bitter, pungent, sour, and sweet. It strengthens immunity by strengthening the gut. An extremely beneficial herb for the gastrointestinal tract that increases the appetite reduces inflammation in the gut and also reduces the cholesterol level as well. 

Saffron: Saffron is a valuable spice that comes from the beautiful valleys of Kashmir. It has powerful antioxidants that work to improve immunity and help fight against infections. It reduces the risk of heart disease, issues related to premenstrual syndrome, and fluctuations in blood sugar.

It is extremely important to work on our immunity in winter so that we can stay safe from illnesses. Try the remedies listed above from the comfort of your home. By including these remedies in your daily lifestyle, you will start to feel the changes in yourself. The ease and effectiveness of Ayurvedic herbs and spices are here to rescue you in this chilly winter weather.

Source URL: https://ayursesha.com/5-ayurvedic-remedies-to-boost-immunity-during-winters/


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