Best Ways To Improve Sexual Performance In Men | Ayursesha

Improve Sexual Performance In Men

A good and healthy sex life is extremely important for men to have good health. It is important for well-being as well. Many men sometimes face issues in their sexual performance which may upset their partner and can cause strain in relationships if this persists for long. There are tons of supplements available in the market for improving sexual performance. But you might be worried about the fact that they might mess up your hormones.

However, you do not need to worry we got your back. Here are some natural ways to improve your sexual performance listed below:

Active Lifestyle: In order to have an active lifestyle, it's important to have good stamina & cardiovascular health. Your heart rate can go up by having sex. If you wish to last longer in bed and not get tired, you need to work out daily. As per the recommendation by the experts, aim to work out with high intensity for at least 30 minutes. You can opt for brisk walking, running, jogging or cycling. 

Fruits & Veggies: Eating food that helps to keep the cardiovascular system and heart health is important for sexual health as well. Bananas, garlic, onions, etc have proven to enhance men's sexual performance to a great extent. A healthy lifestyle has been always talked about when it comes to general wellness and sexual wellness. 

Read: Magic Nights Capsules

Stress Levels: Sexual performance gets affected greatly by stress levels. The fact that men suffering from chronic stress even face problems like erectile dysfunction. This actually happens due to the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that reduces stamina and libido during sex. Stress can be reduced by practicing breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. Also, make sure to get a good sleep as well. Lack of proper sleep makes the person frustrated hence affecting stress levels which in turn impacts sexual performance. Take some time off devices because exposure to devices for long hours tends to build up stress which shows up at the time of sex. It also detoxes the mind and helps to live in the moment in a better way.

Omega-3 & 6 Foods: Consuming foods that have healthy fats can boost sexual performance. Meats, eggs, and salmons have omega-3 & 6 which help to last longer in bed.

Foreplay: Do not directly jump to the main part always as this spoils the fun and does not build up the excitement. Take things slow and it will help you stay longer. Apart from this, engaging in foreplay also satisfies both the partners.

Vitamin-D: Try to soak in some sun and check the levels of Vitamin-D in your body. Its deficiency can affect hormonal levels and sexual performance too. Vitamin-D supplements are also available in the market that can be consumed orally.

Avoid Bad Habits: Many people don't realize that the habits like smoking and drinking affect their sexual performance more than they can imagine. Excess of these habits affects the circulation and hence the stamina as well. Ditch these habits to take a step towards a healthy life and a good sex life too.

Masturbation: While it might seem odd to some people, masturbation can actually help to last longer. You will be able to stay longer without ejaculation thereby improving the sexual performance.

Follow these ways and see the change in yourself. However, if you have any other issue, don't hesitate to seek medical help as timely support can turn out to do wonders for your sex life and for your overall well-being as well. Try to build healthy habits for yourself and your partner too and notice the changes it brings in your life and sexual life as well.


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