What Does Horny Goat Weed Do For Women?

Ayurvedic Horny Goat Weed Do For Women

Horny Goat Weed, also known by the name yin yang huo is a herb which is native to China. It possesses medicinal properties and also goes by other names like epimedii herba and epimedium. It belongs to the family of herbs known as Berberidaceae which comprises 700 other plants from 50 other species.

Although many of these plants are being used for generations now and are known to have better effects and in some places are considered safer than synthetic drugs as well. 

However, many studies are still being conducted worldwide to have a better insight into this herb and its benefits in detail. There are certain benefits that have been studied about what horny goat weed does for women and proven too. You can have a look at them below:

Cardiovascular Health: The recent research conducted showed the presence of a compound called icariin. It is a flavonoid and helps to lower lipids which further lowers inflammation keeping cardiovascular health intact. 

Alzheimer's Disease: People who have memory loss issues can also consume it for the same. It also reduces the toxins in the body which are the primary cause of Alzheimer's disease. 

Female Sex Drive: It increases the sex drive and that was actually the originating point of discovery of this herb. It has certain chemicals which are helpful in increasing blood flow and improving sexual function and performance as well. It is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in it which act like estrogen. As it helps to regulate the blood flow, the flow of blood reaches the sexual organs in a better manner which helps to improve sexual function.

Post Menopause Health: It also reduces the problems women face after menopause which include mood swings, irritation, and other stomach-related issues. Women experience fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, anxiety, and other problems as well post menopause. These all are caused due to hormonal imbalance which occurs due to the stoppage of periods. 

Reduced Stress: This herb is also known to reduce stress levels by reducing cortisol, the hormone responsible for reducing stress. An increased amount of cortisol in the body reduces the sex drive and impacts mental health as well. This herb works on reducing stress which helps the person to feel lighter.

Bone Density: It also helps people with arthritis, joint pain, and any kind of fatigue. Due to its property of maintaining bone density, horny goat weed is considered beneficial for bone and joint health. Many women face loss of bone density post-menopause. Icariin helps in increasing the same. It also works on reducing bad cholesterol. Since it promotes bone formation, many women are prescribed especially those who are dealing with osteoporosis post-menopause.

Also Read: Ayurvedic Pushp Tulsi Drops

It is important to note that this herb shouldn't be consumed without consulting a doctor since inappropriate dosage and use may lead to side effects, especially in the case of multiple underlying medical conditions. To consume it safely, it is extremely important to have it in prescribed doses. Other factors such as age etc also play a major role in deciding the dose and other things.


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